Thursday, July 25, 2013


Walking to dinner on our first night back in Cochabamba, Jake said he felt like a "reset" button had been pushed in his life. I know what he means, because every time I go on a trip, I come back to Bolivia and Casa de Amor with fresh enthusiasm and a new perspective. Stepping away for a bit and coming back clarifies so many things! 

I told Jake on that walk that I’d decided right before leaving the states to start another blog when back, an idea I’d already toyed with ever since my life changed so much this past year. When I lived in the Baby Home and my life revolved 24/7 around Casa de Amor, the general blog of the homes (here) worked for even personal musings, but now it’s time for a change!

So, here I will record some of the big events of our growing family. After this whirlwind year, it will be neat to have a journal of sorts to read later!

The next blog post will be about our wonderful six weeks of travel. I'll try to decide on just a few highlights and pictures!

Hasta Pronto,


  1. It's been a while since I have visited your site & supported you... Just b/c of busyness... The orphanage came to mind today, and I am beyond blessed by everything I have read this New Years, Jennifer! As an older single engaged to be married, I find your stories refreshing! You look amazing, too btw! CONGRATS on all the new changes and blessings in your life. 2014 be a gracious and favorable year of blessings for your new and growing family!

    Lastly, thanks for remaining strong and keeping the faith! There are not many of us who remain steadfast in our mature single years. I pray many singles are encouraged and inspired by your story! Keep shining bright! Spring


Thank you for writing us!