Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Adoption Update III

There's not as much to report as we'd like, although as I compiled this list I realized there's been a little bit of progress.

~ Even with all the changes and set-backs due to new administration, SEDEGES finally passed on our pre-adoptive evaluations and the signed certificates of having completed the adoptive parents course (including the test) on to the court!

~ I picked up my "certificacion de visa de permanencia" last week from immigration. It was ready on the VERY DAY they said it would be, is that not amazing?!?

~ We now have ALL of the local paperwork we need, woo-hoo!

~ My Mom arrives tomorrow (yay!!) with our translated, legalized, signed-and-stamped-up copies of our certified birth certificates and wedding certificate. As we dealt with the states of Florida, Texas, and Washington, and varying instructions from the Bolivian Consulate in LA, it's been quite a feat to get these done long distance!!

~ Tomorrow I will take in our US legalized documents to our local "Cancilleria" for the local legalization stamp. I should be able to pick them up by Monday!

~ Our lawyer has contacted the US Embassy in La Paz to see if they would still grant visas to the boys (two years from now) even though we are adopting them before Jake has lived here with a residency visa for two years (part of the Bolivian law code but occasionally waived by the local courts). Apparently the United States IS strict even when it comes to following local laws, and could deny ever granting the boys visas if we don't do this "their way". So it seems worth checking into first and seeing if we need to change our request to guardianship, and wait two years to apply for the adoption and US visas. Sounds simple, but there are MANY benefits to going straight for the adoption, for both us and boys, so please pray for favor!!

~ Pray that we can soon present our big stack of papers in court for either the adoption or guardianship! We thought this step would happen on Monday, September 2, when the minor court was open again, and here we are still waiting.

Last night we had a wonderful visit with all the boys at CDA II! We've been so busy lately we haven't always been able to keep up our regular Tuesday visits so it was nice to be there. On the drive home Jake said we needed to get the ball rolling on the adoption ASAP! As soon as we hear back from the US Embassy in La Paz we should be able to take the next big step.

Thank you for your prayers that God's will would be done, and in His perfect timing!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baby Update :)

Today I'm at 8 months!! It's hard to believe! 

Two weeks ago today we had a wonderful sonogram! The baby moves like crazy and feels like all limbs. When we learned the weight it was more understandable - already 5 pounds at 7 1/2 months and measuring an average of a couple weeks ahead! We are SO grateful for the constant positive reports on the baby and pregnancy. I am very conscious that this is not always the case. God has truly blessed us!!

We didn't realize that such a good shot of our baby would be part of the sonogram, but surprise, here's the first picture!

This is seriously our last routine sonogram! I never thought I'd agree to so many (1 quick right at the beginning and then 3 more) but they are SO GREAT! The doctor orders them and we say, "Cool, let's take another peek!!" And we've spent around $120 versus what I've heard would cost 1000s of dollars in the US.

Last week we finally had the chance to go pick up a crib that Jake was offered months ago by Calvert's music teacher. The crib is originally from Switzerland but somehow made it's way here and has been passed from family to family. By this point, the crib has great character. It's perfect!

 The baby's bed in a corner of our bedroom

My Mom arrives a week from today to help us continue setting up the apartment for both the baby and the boys. She's been busy sewing sheets ever since I sent her the crib dimensions. Can't wait to have her here and do some major shopping and rearranging!!