Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Time!

After Jake and I got back from our quick get-away anniversary, we planned to put up the Christmas decorations. "We" turned out to be us reading on the couch while the boys did the tree with just a little supervision. They did great!

When Sophia woke up, she was surprised!
That box of toys was put there by brothers with the idea of distracting Sophia from undoing the tree. Yeah, that didn't work!

Everybody "helping" Dad hang lights...
Joel wanted to take pictures in their Christmas pajamas, recent gifts from Grandma Thompson. Michael suggested that Jake and I really need the same style, so that we could join them. Uh... No thanks! :)
I won't show the pictures of the screaming baby... She was NOT in the mood, so this is the only real picture I got.

(What we call "baby candies" is all that let us get a couple pictures!)

What are those crazy brothers doing?! (I have no idea!)

1 comment:

Thank you for writing us!