I decided to post the best pictures of our cabin trip on our neglected blog rather than FB, to better preserve the memories!! :)
Getting a bit of guidance from big brother (Sophia always turns heads in airports pulling her own luggage!)
I'm not going to spend hours getting them in perfect order. I figure they'll be enjoyable to those who care, anyway!
Packing S & L's clothes and accessories in plastic bags before the trip made dressing them DURING the trip lots easier!!
There were some long hauls on the road, but nothing our South-American-road-tripping crew couldn't handle!!
Crossing a snowy pass up in the mountains between Bellingham (the cousins) and Chelan (the cabin)!
Jake told us to jump out for this picture on our way to the cabin! Everyone got a taste of SNOW!
Lydia got very good at napping in her car seat...
Jake preparing the troops to snowshoe in with our luggage and food for a few days (since the driveway hasn't been kept clear since winter began, it wasn't possible to drive all the way)
Lydia was woken from a nap upon arrival to the property and had an uncharacteristic "freak out" after being outside a few minutes. Here, she's chilling the car with the heat turned back on! This baby has my Texas blood, yessiree.
First time!! My Russia coat came in handy on the trip
Arrival to the cabin, before the fire was lit!
Melting snow for cleaning water! Jake eventually got the water pumping in spite of deep snow
Two babies in a tub, rubadub
Lydia, waiting patiently to be snowshoed out on our first leg to church Sunday morning
Sledding time!!
The boys played outside for hours on end
The weather was gorgeous during our stay - 40s during the daytime and sunny!
Lots of fun!!
Lydia checking out the snow (the cabin is way up behind the tallest trees)
Some of our kids in dad's childhood room
Drying wet snow clothes by the fire...
Sunday Lunch!
I focused on making meals that were hot, tasty, and simple, since it's a full time job keeping up with the babies when they're awake.
View out master bedroom window
The best video I made of the boys sledding over what appears to be a sheer drop-off was too big to upload. This is a good one, too.
Sophia and Lydia, ready for a ride on the sled Grandpa B made for them!!
They loved it!! Lydia giggled the first few minutes and Sophia settled in like a queen on her pallet :)
Sophia finally decided she was capable of walking on snow right after this picture was made, using the flat, footprint-free area behind them
Brother pulling babies back at sunset...
The boys always insisted on pushing Sophia back up hills!
Leaving the cabin with daddy
The drive down to Chelan from the cabin
The kids! February 23, 2016
The kids (and Grandma B)! September 19, 2014