Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Days New and Cuter Than Ever!

Tonight we had a wonderful hour of wakefulness that did not include crying. Learning to transition from eating to sleeping to being awake (but not yet eating) and all over again has been, shall we say, a bit of a process! Baby Sophia is not quite as laid back as my Bolivian babies. :)

I grabbed a camera for pictures, realizing that we'd fulfill Grandma T's special request of a picture of her granddaughter with her eyes OPEN and no HAT! Now see if you can handle this cuteness...


  1. I can't even handle it! She is so beautiful.

  2. Oh wow! She's so beautiful! Love seeing her eyes wide open! Glad you shared your mom's request with all of us! :)

  3. Congrats Jen and Jake!! She is too cute :-) So happy for you! Hugs from the Dutch


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