Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Third Baby Shower (Surprise!)

Keep in mind that we had just had TWO days of baby showers. I thought we were showered out. Who has two baby showers back-to-back like that?!

But on Monday, September 30, we get in the car to go out to eat with my Mom. Or so I thought. Jake mentioned a new place. But he heads west. What's out there?! Towards Blanco Galindo...uh... Towards the Casas de Amor...!


This picture about sums it up, at least for Jake. A CLOWN, at a BABY Shower?! And you wouldn't believe all the pregnancy and baby facts he knew!!

It was quite the experience... And certain pictures will never be shown publically!!

All the tias and their kids

Everyone laughed at how intimidated the clown was of Jake! Therefore chair that should have been for Jake was used to help the clown's height.

Glenda Thompson and Carla Booher

The clown announced a special way to bring the gifts up to me and Jake - dancing!

Volunteer Hannah with Jhoselin and the tias

Tia Maria and Tio David worked very hard on this cake and it was TASTY!

As I saw the cake, it dawned on me why David was still at the Baby Home hours past his workday, and couldn't really tell me why. :)

Some of the snacks

We left around 11pm thoroughly worn out, but again very blessed! There were many practical gifts and lots of love from our Casa de Amor family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I can't even imagine a baby shower with a clown! But I love the Tias and still wish I could have been there!


Thank you for writing us!