Monday, October 7, 2013

Preparation for the Boys!

While my Mom was here last week we worked hard on getting our little condo ready for the flood of children on the way! The next couple of posts will show the pictures of our progress. (If these bore you, I kind of think they will be way more interesting to our family and - maybe - close friends!)

The very first day she was here we spent the afternoon in La Cancha buying two sets of bunk beds and all the accompanying bedding.

Putting everything together!!

Mom, making the beds (she slept on one while here, and Jake's mom will be the next to use them!)

We love the shiny red and blue!

The boy's bathroom (or for now, visitor bathroom)

1 comment:

  1. well I'm not family but this totally makes me very happy and very excited and I cannot wait for more news/pictures! Miss you very much my friend!

    oh and you look SO great!!!!!


Thank you for writing us!